The King James Version Bible

1 Maccabees 6:30-37

  1. So that the number of his army was an hundred thousand footmen, and twenty thousand horsemen, and two and thirty elephants exercised in battle.

  2. These went through Idumea, and pitched against Bethsura, which they assaulted many days, making engines of war; but they of Bethsura came out, and burned them with fire, and fought valiantly.

  3. Upon this Judas removed from the tower, and pitched in Bathzacharias, over against the king's camp.

  4. Then the king rising very early marched fiercely with his host toward Bathzacharias, where his armies made them ready to battle, and sounded the trumpets.

  5. And to the end they might provoke the elephants to fight, they shewed them the blood of grapes and mulberries.

  6. Moreover they divided the beasts among the armies, and for every elephant they appointed a thousand men, armed with coats of mail, and with helmets of brass on their heads; and beside this, for every beast were ordained five hundred horsemen of the best.

  7. These were ready at every occasion: wheresoever the beast was, and whithersoever the beast went, they went also, neither departed they from him.

  8. And upon the beasts were there strong towers of wood, which covered every one of them, and were girt fast unto them with devices: there were also upon every one two and thirty strong men, that fought upon them, beside the Indian that ruled him.